Thursday, January 22, 2009

ranch dressing

I've been asked to share my ranch dressing recipe. I don't have good measurements for this so hopefully I get it right. Mess with the seasonings if you need to.

1 cup real sour cream with just cream
1 cup best foods mayo (not lowfat)
1 tsp onion powder
1/2 tsp garlic powder or a clove of fresh garlic
1/2 tsp salt (add more later if needed)
1/8 tsp black pepper
1 TBSP Bubbies pickle juice
stir all together for a great dip (for veggies or chips) or thin with whole milk or water for a dressing. Tastes better the 2nd day after the flavors melde together.

I love the squeeze bottle of mayo and we clean it out, thin the dressing, and keep it in the bottle for easy access.

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