Wednesday, November 19, 2008

A really bad day?

As I was reading on the Feingold board there was a mom who had a ranting child on day 10 of their diet. It reminded me of detox so I thought I'd post. This particular mom also said their child colored on himself all over with markers that day also, so I would assume it wasn't just detox but let's talk detox for the heck of it...
You might have a day that you think all heck has broken loose and you don't know why. After you've gone through possible foods and/or causes you can think detox. Picture someone getting off morphine. Their body wants the drug so badly that they'll do anything to get it. They'll rage, rant, yell, and do everything they can. Then they'll feel sick. Then they'll finally fall asleep and not wake up for 2 days.
Petroleum acts like a drug in the human body, especially for people who don't process it well. Their body will want it. That's why it's so much easier to diet when you're on Feingold. You don't crave the junk as much if you are past your detox time.
So, just keep truckin' and wait it out. You can do it.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

We just went through that last week when we took our 2 year old off of milk. He was fine for 3 days and then all of the sudden he was a terror for a day. Then he was back to his normal self. We are trying him without milk because we think he may have a touch of asthma and he coughs and coughs when he's sleeping. NONE since taking him off the milk :o) We'll see...